Highlight Features

Automated Token Launch

Our presale has a smart contract capable of launching our tokens automatically. After the end of the presale period, the first person to run the 'buy', 'claim' or 'launch' functions will automatically launch the token. This person, called contributor, will need to use more Gas, so they will pay a slightly more expensive fee. But don't worry, there will be a token reward for this.

No Owner In Presale

There is no owner in our presale smart contract. All functions, especially the launch function, can be run by anyone. Making this presale immune to any type of fraud involving owners. The person running the launch function, called contributor, will need to use more Gas, so they will pay a slightly more expensive fee. But don't worry, there will be a token reward for this.

Emergency Withdrawal In Presale

If there is any problem involving token release. Don't worry, your investment is safe with us. Our presale contract has an emergency withdrawal system. If after 2 days of the end of the presale period and the token has not yet been released, just run the 'emergencyWithdraw' function, and your money will be in your wallet again.

Direct Swap

Our tokens have a direct swap in which you can exchange between our tokens directly.

Last updated